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We are entering our tenth Teacher Hall of Fame Induction for the 2024-2025 school year which gives The Leona Group the opportunity to recognize all of the exceptional things teachers and instructional staff members are doing in our schools. 

School leaders, assistant leaders and instructional coaches are asked to submit their nominations for monthly teacher hall of fame candidates for the 2024-2025 school year. We are going to have a Primary Teacher Category for grades K-5 and a Secondary Teacher Category this year for grades 6-12. These nominations are based on the observations the school leaders make in their locations. It is up to them to honor a teacher that they feel embodies the spirit of their school's mission. Once the nomination is sent electronically to The Leona Group Department of Academic Achievement, the team reviews the nominees and bases their decision on who best embodies the spirit of The Leona Group and academic success.

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